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Get to know the list of fruit to launch the following chapter

There are a variety of fruits to launch bowel movements that are effective in treating constipation or constipation. In general, fruits do contain a lot of fiber and water which is good for digestion, but the fruit of this BAB chapter contain other substances that are effective for overcoming difficult bowel movements. Some over-the-counter medicines are often taken to treat constipation. In fact, simple handling with lifestyle changes can be done to overcome this condition. One way is to increase fluid intake and consume foods high in fiber, such as fruits.

Consumption of Fruits for Smooth bowel movements

The following fruits are known to launch bowel movements and help maintain the health of your digestive tract:

1. Orange

Who does not know this orange fruit? A large orange contains 4 grams of fiber and provides about 86 calories. The fiber content in it can help smooth bowel movements. In addition, the active flavonol content contained in it can also prevent and overcome constipation.

2. Apple

Apples are also included in the list of fruit that can launch bowel movements, because the content of water-soluble fiber called petin in apples can accelerate the movement of feces through the intestine and relieve symptoms of constipation. In addition to the flesh, this benefit can also be obtained from the skin. But if you want to eat apples with their skin, make sure you wash them thoroughly.

3. Pears

Besides containing a lot of fiber that is good for launching bowel movements, pears also contain fructose and natural sorbitol in higher levels than other fruits. The fructose content in pears is very good for stimulating bowel movements, while sorbitol can function as a natural laxative. Both play a role in launching bowel movements.

4. Kiwi

Kiwifruit is high in fiber and low in sugar, making it safe for stomach health and launching bowel movements. In addition to its fiber content, kiwifruit is also known as the enzyme actinidain, which has a positive effect on work and bowel movements. Although most fruits contain fiber that is good for smoothing bowel movements, there are several types of fruit that can actually make it difficult for you to defecate, including raw bananas and sour persimmons.

Better to be eaten directly or processed?

You can consume fruit to launch the chapter above either directly or processed. But, of course these fruits need to be consumed in a fresh state. You can also process the types of fruit above into juice. Fruit processed in the form of juice can help meet your fluid needs, as well as helping the bowel movement. Eat the fruits above regularly to launch a bowel movement. However, if your constipation does not improve or worsen, you should consult a doctor so that the cause can be identified and appropriate treatment is given.


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